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Showing posts from May, 2015

Ansible Playbook - Setup Hadoop CDH5 Using tarball.

Ansible Playbook - Setup Hadoop CDH5 Using  tarball . Table of Contents Get the script from Github. Before we start. Details about each Playbook 'Roles'. commons jdk ssh_known_hosts ssh_password_lss cdh5_hadoop_commons_tarball post_install_setups Step 1. Update below variables as per requirement. Step 2. User information come from  group_vars . Step 3. Update Host File. Step 4. Executing yml. This is a simple Hadoop playbook, to quickly start hadoop running in a cluster. Here is the Script Location on Github: Below are the steps to get started. Get the script from Github. Below is the command to clone. ahmed@ahmed-server ~]$ git clone Before we start. Download  hadoop-2.3.0-cdh5.1.2.tar.gz  to  file_archives  directory. Download  jdk-7u75-linux-x64.tar.gz  to  file_archives  directory. Details about each Playbook 'Roles'. D

Ansible Playbook - Setup Storm Cluster

Ansible Playbook - Setup Storm Cluster. This is a simple Storm Cluster Setup. We are using a dedicated Zookeeper Cluster/Node, instead of the standalone zkserver. Below is how we will deploy our cluster. / ---- supervisor01 Nimbus[nimbus and ui]----- \ ---- supervisor02 Before we start. Download  apache-storm-0.9.4.tar.gz  to  file_archives  directory. Download  zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh5.1.2.tar.gz  to  file_archives  directory. Download  jdk-7u75-linux-x64.tar.gz  to  file_archives  directory. Get the script from Github. Below is the command to clone. ahmed@ahmed-server ~]$ git clone Step 1: Update Hosts File. Update the host file to reflect your server IPs. Currently  hosts  file looks as below. [zookeepernodes] zookeeper_id=1 zookeeper_id=2 zookeeper_id=3 # # storm cluster # [stormnimbusnodes] [stormsupervisornodes] 10.

Ansible Playbook - Setup Kafka Cluster.

Ansible Playbook - Setup Kafka Cluster. This is a simple Kafka setup. In this setup we are running  kafka  over a dedicated  zookeeper  service. (NOT the standalone zookeeper which comes with  kafka ) Before we start read more information about Zookeeper/Kafka in the below link. Setup  Zookeeper . Setup  Kafka . Server running on ports 9091/9092 ports on each server. Before we start. Download  kafka_2.9.2-  to  file_archives  directory. Download  zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh5.1.2.tar.gz  to  file_archives  directory. Get the script from Github. Below is the command to clone. ahmed@ahmed-server ~]$ git clone Step 1: Update Hosts File. Update the host file to reflect your server IPs. Currently  hosts  file looks as below. [zookeepers] zookeeper_id=1 zookeeper_id=2 zookeeper_id=3 [kafka-nodes] kafka_broker_id1=11 kafka_port1=9091 kafka_broker_id2=12 kafka_port2=9092

Ansible Playbook - Setup Zookeeper Using tarball.

Ansible Playbook - Setup Zookeeper Using tarball . This is a simple zookeeper playbook, to quickly start zookeeper running on a single or more nodes, in a clustered mode. Here is the Script Location on Github: Below are the steps to get started. Before we start. Please download zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh5.1.2.tar.gz and store it in file_archives directory.** Get the script from Github. Below is the command to clone. ahmed@ahmed-server ~]$ git clone Step 1. Update below variables as per requirement. Variables are located in roles/zookeeper_install_tarball/default/main.yml . # Zookeeper Version. zookeeper_version: zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh5.1.2 # Zookeeper Storage and Logging. zookeeper_data_store: /data/ansible/zookeeper zookeeper_logging: /data/ansible/zookeeper_logging Global Vars can be found in the location group_vars/all . # --------------------------------------