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Showing posts from August, 2012

FTP Client Using Apache Common net library using Socks Proxy Server

As we have the FTP Server code in previous post, here is a FTP Client using Apache Commons library .  Below is a basic code which we can use to connect to our FTP server which we created over a S OCKS Proxy Server. (Assuming you have a SOCKS proxy server running already – if not then code can be used just as a FTP Client to connect directly to FTP Server). Below Image shows, libraries required and parameter passed from the build.xml (this can be done over the command line as well) Below Image shows changes required to Route all Packets to go through Proxy Server Libraries Required. <path id="FtpClientDemo.classpath">         <pathelement location="bin"/>         <pathelement location="lib/commons-net-3.1-ftp.jar"/>         <pathelement location="lib/commons-net-3.1.jar"/>     </path> Sample Arg in Build.xml File <target name="FtpClientDemo">     <java classname="com.ftp.client.

FTP Server using Apache FTPServer Library

Was working on getting a FTP Server. Creating a FTP server using Apache Library is very simple. As you can see in the image you will need some libs, and all the libraries can be found here : Below is the code to get started. You will also get all the properties file from the above link. Content for log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, C log4j.appender.C=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.C.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.C.layout.ConversionPattern=[%5p] %d [%X{userName}] [%X{remoteIp}] %m%n Content for # Password is "admin" ftpserver.user.admin.userpassword=21232F297A57A5A743894A0E4A801FC3 ftpserver.user.admin.homedirectory=f\:/ ftpserver.user.admin.enableflag=true ftpserver.user.admin.writepermission=true ftpserver.user.admin.maxloginnumber=0 ftpserver.user.admin.maxloginperip=0 ftpserver.user.admin.idletime=0